Science Fiction Themes

1) Humans and Future
    Because of the fact it takes place in the future. The Future compared to the date written.    
    -Confused/Negative Computer Ruled World
        Its like the negative and confused computer ruled world without the computers. Because the         Party strips people of humanity and the main character, Winston, is constantly struggling to         keep human.
    -Time of Chaos
1984 is a bit like a time of chaos, especially with the constant Eternal War between the major        power heads.

2) Scientific and Technological Gimmickry
It shows Scientific and Technological Gimmickry with all the different devices used in 1984.         SpeakWrites- pens you talk into to write, Telescreens- flat screen televisions that double
        as video/audio recording devices used to spy on people. The Party also has equipment that         can read peoples thoughts and advanced devices of torture